I'm using Swagger UI with asp.net core web api. For my CRUD
operations, I have a base controller class, which defines abstract methods:
public class BaseController<TDto, TEntity>
[HttpPost, Route("create-single")]
public abstract Task<ObjectResult> CreateAsync(TDto input);
[HttpPost, Route("create-many")]
public abstract Task<ObjectResult> CreateManyAsync(IList<TDto> input);
[HttpGet, Route("get-all")]
public abstract Task<ObjectResult> GetAllAsync();
[HttpGet, Route("get/{id}")]
public abstract Task<ObjectResult> GetByIdAsync(Guid id);
Some controller might not need all the CRUD methods, and I need to disappear those endpoints from the swagger.
For example, I need to disappear /get/{id}
endpoint for particular controller, what is the best way to achieve this?
You can add the following attribute to Controllers and Actions to exclude them from the generated documentation: [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)]