I was trying to make a slack bot using slackeventsapi running on ngrok for now.
It can send messages properly but slack events adaptor doesn't seem to be working properly. It gives the code 200 every time a message is sent but the payload doesn't come. I tried printing it but the printing it shows nothing.
There was another post asking a similar question whose solution in the end was to make a new app on slack API but it doesn't seem to fix my issue. I have made another app but the issue persists.
I was following a tutorial so I have tried to match his code exactly but it doesn't seem to work even then. In case it will be helpful - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gHvqXrfjuo&list=PLzMcBGfZo4-kqyzTzJWCV6lyK-ZMYECDc&index=2.
The slack API scopes Slack API Subscriptions
import slack
import os
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from flask import Flask
from slackeventsapi import SlackEventAdapter
env_path = Path('.')/'.env'
client = slack.WebClient(token=os.environ['TEST2_SLACK_TOKEN'])
BOT_ID = client.api_call("auth.test")['user_id']
app = Flask(__name__)
slack_event_adaptor = SlackEventAdapter(os.environ['SIGNING_SECRET2'], '/slack/events', app)
client.chat_postMessage(channel=f'#new', text="Hello")
if __name__ == "__main__":
def message(payload):
event = payload.get('event',{})
channel_id = event.get('channel')
user_id = event.get('user')
text = event.get('text')
if BOT_ID != user_id:
client.chat_postMessage(channel= channel_id, text = text)
I had similar problem when I used slack_event_adaptor and then I tried slack_bolt and everything works well. Let me share example you may try if you want:
import re
from config import config
from flask import Flask, request
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_bolt import App
from slack_bolt.adapter.flask import SlackRequestHandler
app = Flask(__name__)
slack_token = config.slack_token
client = WebClient(slack_token)
bolt_app = App(token=slack_token, signing_secret=config.signing_secret)
handler = SlackRequestHandler(bolt_app)
@bolt_app.message(re.compile("Hello bot",re.IGNORECASE))
def reply_in_thread(payload: dict):
""" This will reply in thread instead of creating a new thread """
response = client.chat_postMessage(channel=payload.get('channel'),
@app.route("/datalake/events", methods=["POST"])
def slack_events():
""" Declaring the route where slack will post a request """
return handler.handle(request)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', port=5000, debug=True)
When you write "Hello bot" bot will respond you accordingly.