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Input param not working as conditional switch in Nextflow processes

I am trying to pass in a parameter to Nextflow that I can use to turn a process on or off, to no avail.

Moreover, when I print the parameter in the log file the case always changes, which seems odd to me (i.e., TRUE turns to true). I have tried setting the conditional statement to match "TRUE" or "true", given this behavior, but neither seems to work.

Here is some code to illustrate the issue.

params.force = "FALSE" = 1 """\
         Force: $params.force

process tester {
    val x from

      stdout testerOut

    params.force == "TRUE"

      echo "foo"


If this file is saved as testnf and is run via "nextflow run testnf --force "TRUE" " the process will not run. The output is:

N E X T F L O W ~ version 21.10.0 Launching testnf [soggy_lorenz] - revision: a7399aad3c Force: true

[- ] process > tester -

The goal is for users to pass in parameters that turn off or on certain processes. This seems like a common use case, but I am stuck. Cheers for any help!


  • Pallie is correct:

    Nextflow automatically converts the --force TRUE param to a boolean

    This is because the Nextflow command-line parameter values TRUE and FALSE (case insensitive) are special and will return Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE, respectively1. When you print (or log) these parameters, you are really just accessing a Boolean that represents the special truth values: true and false.

    Be aware that parameters defined inside your Nextflow script will not be coerced. For example, setting params.force = "FALSE" inside you script will just give you a plain old java.lang.String if --force is not specified on the command-line. The problem is that if you do specify --force on the command-line, you'll get a different type: a java.lang.Boolean. The solution is to set params.force to a Boolean value inside your script:

    params.force = false
    println("Force: ${params.force}")
    process test {
        echo true
        echo "foo"

    Some tests, with expected results:

    nextflow run 
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [clever_mccarthy] - revision: e7a5148ea1
    Force: false
    [-        ] process > test -
    $ nextflow run --force
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [distraught_jepsen] - revision: e7a5148ea1
    Force: true
    executor >  local (1)
    [d0/c9a3d2] process > test [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
    $ nextflow run --force FALSE
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [astonishing_feynman] - revision: e7a5148ea1
    Force: false
    [-        ] process > test -
    $ nextflow run --force True
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [sleepy_sammet] - revision: e7a5148ea1
    Force: true
    executor >  local (1)
    [b5/9fac0f] process > test [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

    This last example shows that non-empty strings are coerced to true according to Groovy truth:

    $ nextflow run --force foobar
    N E X T F L O W  ~  version 21.04.3
    Launching `` [trusting_hilbert] - revision: e7a5148ea1
    Force: foobar
    executor >  local (1)
    [d1/c1b190] process > test [100%] 1 of 1 ✔