Is there a way to do the following inside the .agg()
hl = df[["sym", "bid", "ask"]].groupby("sym").agg(["min", "max"])
hl = hl.rename(columns={"min": "low", "max": "high"})
I see from the pandas documentation that you can use pd.namedAgg to apply different aggregations to different columns but all I would like to do is rename the columns in the original .agg()
I am used to writing in a very terse language (kdb+/q) hence wanted to reduce the number of lines of code.
What about this?
import pandas as pd
from random import randint
# Create sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([
{'sym': randint(1, 10), 'bid': randint(1, 10), 'ask': randint(1, 10)} for _ in range(10)
hl = df[["sym", "bid", "ask"]].groupby("sym").agg([('low', "min"), ('high', "max")])