Using the solution here for the transportation problem with the model:
m = Model("transport_problem_2")
flow = {}
for c in cities:
for b in bases:
flow[c,b] = m.addVar(obj=distance[c,b], name='flow_%s_%s' %(c,b))
for c in cities:
m.addConstr(quicksum(flow[c,b] for b in bases) <= supply[c], 'supply_%s' %(c))
for b in bases:
m.addConstr(quicksum(flow[c,b] for c in cities) >= demand[b], 'demand_%s' %(b))
For practice, I wrote the dual of the above program in Gurobi:
m_dual = Model("transport_problem_2_dual")
alpha = m_dual.addVars(cities,name='alpha')
beta = m_dual.addVars(bases,name='beta')
m_dual.setObjective(, GRB.MAXIMIZE)
m_dual.addConstrs((alpha[c] + beta[b] <= distance[c,b] for c,b in arcs), 'alpha_beta')
Unfortunately, the two optimal objective values are different even though the dual is correct. (I checked it by hand using m_dual.display()). Does someone know why? I thought that the Strong Duality Theorem guarantees this property because both objective values are optimal.
Edit: To make the dual LP work, I had to bound the variables in the dual correctly (as pointed out by the answer)
alpha = m_dual.addVars(cities,name='alpha',lb=-GRB.INFINITY)
I think there may be a sign error in the variables in the dual formulation. This is what I have used: