I'm trying to show a A-Frame scene in JupyterLab, in a Jupyter notebook, from Python code. But I cannot find the way. The scene can be, for example, this (just a simple one):
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.2.0/aframe.min.js"
<div id="aframe" style="width: 300px; height: 300px">
<a-scene embedded>
<a-box position="0 0 -4" color="red"></a-box>
I'm trying, after reading some references, with:
import IPython
IPython.display.HTML('<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.2.0/aframe.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>')
aframe = '''<div id="aframe" style="height: 300px">
<a-scene embedded>
<a-box position="0 0 -4" color="red"></a-box>
I get a blue cell, with a "JupyterLab" label, and loading dots (similar to a A-Frame scene loading), forever. If I look in the console, I read:
A-Frame:warn Put the A-Frame <script> tag in the <head> of the HTML *before* the scene to ensure everything for A-Frame is properly registered before they are used from HTML.
Uncaught Error: A a-node type is already registered
Aframe 18
Since the warning is about injecting the script in the header, and after reading this reference, I wrote:
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = '//aframe.io/releases/1.2.0/aframe.min.js';
And then, in another cell:
import IPython
aframe = '''<div id="scene" style="height: 300px">
<a-scene embedded>
<a-box position="0 0 -4" color="red"></a-box>
Curiously enough, this works when I run those two cells in a notebook for the first time. But if I shutdown the Jupyter kernel, launch it again, and just load the same notebook with those two cells, I get the blue cell again (without even running the cells). If I look at the head element in the HTML page, the A-Frame script element is there. But if I run (in another cell):
I get undefined
in the console.
I'm a bit out of ideas. Maybe something related to the order in which scripts (A-Frame and Jupyter scripts) are loaded?
I'm using Firefox, just in case that matters.
Any idea?
Thanks to the comment by @krassowski, here we have some code that works:
from urllib.parse import quote
import IPython
content = quote(
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<a-scene embedded>
<a-box position="0 0 -4" color="red"></a-box>
html = """
which produces this output when run in a Jupyter Lab cell: