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Debug in Rider studio. Step into not working

The problem during debug when I try to press Step into hot key. It is set to F11 and F7 by default. When I try to press F11 nothing happens. When I try to press F7 it steps by code but when it must go into the method(step into it is the command special for this action) my debug mode turn off. Rider turn off debug mode as I did it by button.

I tried to change to another hot key action step into. The result the same. When I try go inside to another method durring step debug and press F7 or other key for step into my Rider stop debug mode.

I have a screen with step into on F8. The same result, my debug mode turn off when I try to go into the method during debug.

enter image description here

How to fix it?


  • I have an answer from JetBrains.

    Need to uncheck external debbuging

    may I ask you to uncheck Enable external source debug setting (Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger)? Does it help you?

    Finally it works