I want to make a program, where the user enters their name and the program generates an ASCII picture of their name. Is it possible to do that without using 3rd party tools? What I came up with was to create each letter in the alphabet manually and then convert the string into a char array. Then return each image that corresponds with the letter. Is there a better or more efficent way of doing this?
You can write text to a bitmap in any font you want and scan the bitmap to produce the ASCII art. You can even use anti-aliasing for effect. ;)
The last time I did this was about tens years ago. ;)
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(144, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
g.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 24));
Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g;
graphics.drawString("Hello World!", 6, 24);
ImageIO.write(image, "png", new File("text.png"));
for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int x = 0; x < 144; x++)
sb.append(image.getRGB(x, y) == -16777216 ? " " : image.getRGB(x, y) == -1 ? "#" : "*");
if (sb.toString().trim().isEmpty()) continue;
writes out an image
and prints
## ## ## ## *#* *##** *#* ## ## ##
## ## ## ## *#* *###* *#* ## ## ##
## ## ## ## *#* *#*#* *#* ## ## ##
## ## ## ## *#* ******* *#* ## ## ##
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change to BOLD
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### ### ### ### *##* *###* *##* ### ### #
### ### ### ### *##* *###* *##* ### ### #
### ### ### ### **##* **###** *##** ### ### #
### ### ******* ### ### ******* *##* *##*##* *##* ******* ###**** ### ****** ### *
### ### **#####** ### ### **#######** *##* *##*##* *##* **#######** ###*##* ### **#####*### *
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### ### *##* ### ### *##* *##* *##*##* *##*##* *##* *##* ### ### *##* *### *
### ### *##* ### ### *##* *##* *#####* *#####* *##* *##* ### ### *##* *### *
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### ### **######* ### ### **#######** *###* *###* **#######** ### ### **#####*### #
### ### ******* ### ### ******* *###* *###* ******* ### ### *******### #
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*#* *#* *#* *#* *#* *#* **#* *#**#** *#**#** *#* **#* *#* *#* *#* *#* **
*#* *#* *#* **** *#* *#* *#* *#** *#**#* *#**#* *#* *#***#* *#* *#* **#*
*#* *#* *#*******#* *#* *#* *#*** **##* *###** *###** *#*** **##* *#* *#* *#******##*
*#* *#* *######** *#* *#* *######** *###* *###* *######** *#* *#* **#####**#* *#*
*#* *#* ******* *#* *#* ******* ##* *##* ******* *#* *#* ********#* *#*
Change the Font to SERIF BOLD
####### ####### #### #### *######* *######* ####* #### #### ***
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### ### ### ### *##** **##* ** ### ### *#*
### ### ### ### *##* *##* *** ### ### *#*
### ### ### ### *##* **#** ** ### ### *#*
### ### ****** ### ### ****** **##* ***##* ** ****** #### **** ### *****### *#*
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