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Is it possible to get all the paths of json strings stored in an SQL column

Say I have a JSON data stored in a varchar(max) column in a database. Is it possible to use SQL to get all the JSON paths present in that data. For example for the following JSON:

        "age": 6,
        "likes:["catch", "eating"]

I would get the output of:


I have looked at functions including json_query and json_value but they seem to be more about getting data from the JSON rather than the metadata I require.

I am using SQL Server 2018.


  • Try a recursive CTE

    DECLARE @s varchar(max) = '{
            "age": 6,
            "likes":["catch", "eating"]
    with cte as (
      select  [type],  '$' + case when roottype = 4 then '['+[key]+']' else '.'+[key] end  as path
      from (
         select r.[type] , dummy.[type] roottype, r.[key]
         from  OPENJSON('{"dummy":' + @s +'}', '$') dummy
         cross apply OPENJSON(@s, '$') r
         ) t
       union all 
       select j.[type],  path + case when cte.[type] = 4 then '['+j.[key]+']' else '.'+j.[key] end 
       from cte 
       cross apply OPENJSON(@s, path) j
       where cte.[type] >= 4 
     select * 
     from cte;


    type    path
    5   $.dog
    1   $
    2   $.dog.age
    4   $.dog.likes
    1   $.dog.likes[0]
    1   $.dog.likes[1]