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$filter inside $reduce or inside $map from array without unwind

I need some help: I want to optimize this query to be faster , it need to filter by events.eventType:"log" all docs with server:"strong" , but without separate unwind & filter stages , maybe somehow inside the $reduce stage to add $filter.

example single document:

 server: "strong",
 events: [
    eventType: "log",
    createdAt: "2022-01-23T10:26:11.214Z",
    visitorInfo: {
      visitorId: "JohnID"

current aggregation query:

    $match: {
    server: "strong"
    $project: {
     total: {
      $reduce: {
      input: "$events",
      initialValue: {
        visitor: [],
        uniquevisitor: []
      in: {
        visitor: {
          $concatArrays: [
        uniquevisitor: {
          $cond: [
              $in: [
              $concatArrays: [

expected output , two lists with unique visitorId & list of all visitorId:

"total": {
  "uniquevisitor": [
  "visitor": [

} ]


In the example query no filter is added for events.eventType:"log" , how can this be implemented without $unwind?


  • I am not sure this approach is more optimized than yours but might be this will help,

    • $filter to iterate loop of events and filter by eventType
    • $let to declare a variable events and store the above filters result
    • return array of visitor by using dot notation $$events.visitorInfo.visitorId
    • return array of unique visitor uniquevisitor by using dot notation $$events.visitorInfo.visitorId and $setUnion operator
      { $match: { server: "strong" } },
        $project: {
          total: {
            $let: {
              vars: {
                events: {
                  $filter: {
                    input: "$events",
                    cond: { $eq: ["$$this.eventType", "log"] }
              in: {
                visitor: "$$events.visitorInfo.visitorId",
                uniquevisitor: {
                  $setUnion: "$$events.visitorInfo.visitorId"


    Or similar approach without $let and two $project stages,

      { $match: { server: "strong" } },
        $project: {
          events: {
            $filter: {
              input: "$events",
              cond: { $eq: ["$$this.eventType", "log"] }
        $project: {
          total: {
            visitor: "$events.visitorInfo.visitorId",
            uniquevisitor: {
              $setUnion: "$events.visitorInfo.visitorId"
