I'm trying to use st_within to find points within a polygon, but I can't get a shapefile into the right format. I'm using the standard shp file JPN_adm1.shp from https://purl.stanford.edu/np872wp5062 or https://gadm.org/download_country.html
JPN <- st_read("JPN_adm1.shp")
JPN <- JPN[1,] ## select one prefecture, Aichi
JPN <- st_transform(JPN, crs="WGS84")
tokyo.df <- data.frame("name"="Tokyo","lat"=35.507,"lon"=139.208)
some_point.sf <- st_as_sf(tokyo.df, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs="WGS84")
some_point.sf <- st_transform(some_point.sf, crs="WGS84")
subset <- st_join(some_point.sf, JPN, join = st_within)
The code runs, but it doesn't exclude Tokyo which isn't in Aichi. What's wrong?
First, you do not need to use the lines of code starting with st_transform()
because the JPN
and some_point.sf
objects are already in WGS84
Secondly, not sure to fully understand your problem, but I give it a try! I guess you just need to set the argument left = FALSE
inside the st_join()
function. Otherwise st_join()
performs a left join
by default (instead of a inner join
which is required in your specific case).
Please find below a reprex:
JPN <- st_read("JPN_adm1.shp")
JPN <- JPN[1,] ## select one prefecture, Aichi
# JPN <- st_transform(JPN, crs="WGS84") # NO NEED TO DO THAT
tokyo.df <- data.frame("name"="Tokyo","lat"=35.507,"lon"=139.208)
some_point.sf <- st_as_sf(tokyo.df, coords = c("lon","lat"), crs="WGS84")
# some_point.sf <- st_transform(some_point.sf, crs="WGS84") # NO NEED TO DO THAT
subset <- st_join(some_point.sf, JPN, join = st_within, left = FALSE) # ADD ARGUMENT "LEFT = FALSE"
You get an empty sf
object as expected:
#> Simple feature collection with 0 features and 13 fields
#> Bounding box: xmin: NA ymin: NA xmax: NA ymax: NA
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> [1] name ID_0 ISO NAME_0 ID_1 NAME_1 HASC_1
#> [8] CCN_1 CCA_1 TYPE_1 ENGTYPE_1 NL_NAME_1 VARNAME_1 geometry
#> <0 lignes> (ou 'row.names' de longueur nulle)
Created on 2022-02-04 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)