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Carbon get number of days in actual month and week

I am trying to collect all the current days of the week and of the month in an array. It should be easy, but as much as I search, I can't find a solution. For example putting today as the day, the result I need is something like this:

$daysInWeek = [31,1,2,3,4,5,6];
$daysInMonth = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...,28];//Note here that are febrary, and need to return 28, not 31

I write this code, But I think that Carbon can make it easier:

        $weekStartDate = Carbon::now()->startOfWeek();       
        $monthStartDate = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();

        $daysInWeek[] = $weekStartDate->day;
        for ($i=0; $i < 6; $i++) { 
            $daysInWeek[] = $weekStartDate->addDay(1)->day;
        $daysInMonth[] = $monthStartDate->day;
        $lastMonthDay = Carbon::now()->month()->daysInMonth; //This return 31 days, not 28.
        for ($i=0; $i < $lastMonthDay-1; $i++) { 
            $daysInMonth[] = $monthStartDate->addDay(1)->day;


  • calculating days based on week number, check here Calculating days of week given a week number

    getting the numbers of days by months is even easier with date_create and date_diff function

    for ex:

    $d1 = date_create(date('Y').'-'.date('m').'-01'); //current month/year
    $d2 = date_create($d1->format('Y-m-t')); //get last date of the month
    $days = date_diff($d1,$d2);
    echo "Number of days: ". $days->days+1; //+1 for the first day

    knowing the numbers of days, u can now create the necessary array for ex:

    $days_arr = [];
    $d = 1;
        $days_arr[] = $d;
    }while ($d <= $days->days+1);