In YAML, we are not allowed to assign an alias to an anchor. How can I acheieve similar functionality so that I can use one generic key throughout the YAML file while only needing to make an update in one location?
&t_shirt_xs EXTRA_SMALL
&t_shirt_sm SMALL
&t_shirt_md MEDIUM
&t_shirt_lg LARGE
&t_shirt_xl EXTRA_LARGE
&t_shirt_size *t_shirt_md
# Use the *t_shirt_size further down the YAML file
order_shirt_sizes: *t_shirt_size
This is possible:
&t_shirt_size EXTRA_SMALL
It fulfils your requirement to only need a single change to change the size everywhere. If you need the indirection, the closest thing you can do is
&t_shirt_size [ *t_shirt_md ]
Then you'd need to handle the size value as 1-value sequence during loading.
YAML serializes a graph of directed nodes. Using an alias makes another connection to the referenced node, therefore does not create a new node and thus it cannot be anchored. The purpose of anchors & aliases is to be able to serialize cyclic graphs.