API returns parents and their children in a dictionary.
// Dictionary with string as its key(parent) and list of strings(children) as its value as below:
{ "A": ["AQ11"], "B": [], "C": ["CN22", "CL33"] }
I have two questions, Have I set my data structure correct to hold the API values (does it add all parents and children to dictionary).
And how do I iterate thru all elements in the dictionary. Thanks.
Below is my state:
this.state = {
parentItemNo: "",
childItemNo: [],
return (
Above returns only the last element of the dictionary -> C, CL33.
I have changed my data structure now as below as advised.
parentItemNo: "",
childItemNo: [],
I think the problem here is that you are saving an object that has repeated keys. The key 'parentItemNo' is being saved with 3 different values and the first values are being overriden with the latest values. You should (if it's within your possibilities) save an array of objects like this:
items: [
{ parentItemNo: "A", childItemNo: ["AQ11"] },
{ parentItemNo: "B", childItemNo: [] },
{ parentItemNo: "C", childItemNo: ["CN22", "CL33"] }
and then you can access the different objects (or dictionaries) like this:
items[0].parentItemNo //returns "A"
items[2].childItemNo //return ["CN22", "CL33"]