My DOM elements:
<ul id="testList" class="sc-ksdxgE jiDfgt" xpath="1">
<li class="sc-hBUSln fPSRnx">Carp and its Derivatives</li>
<li class="sc-hBUSln fPSRnx">Tilapia and its Derivatives</li></ul>
What I'm trying to achieve is to:
a) Get main element (testList) or get main element element's (li)
private readonly string allergensDoesContainListLocator = "//ul[@id = 'testList']//li";
public IList<IWebElement> AllergensDoesContainList => driver.FindElements(By.XPath(allergensDoesContainListLocator));
b) Create list of element which I want to pass & assert:
IList<string> DoesContainAllergens => new List<string>(new string[] { "Carp and its Derivatives", "Tilapia and its Derivatives" });
c) Write proper loop method I was thinking about simple LINQ something like:
AllergensDoesContainList.Where(c => c.Text == allergensToCheck)
Or ForEach statement
//allergensToCheck.ForEach(delegate (string name)
// bool isAllergenVisible = driver.IsElementVisible(By.XPath(string.Format("//div[@data-automation='sizePanel[{0}]'][contains(.,'{1}')]", sizeIndex, name)));
Can someone advice me what will be the perfect way? Using NUnit for a unit test provider, if that helps.
This involves two main steps. First, collect all of the text into an IEnumerable<string>
. Next, use the CollectionAssert class in NUnit to make your assertion:
private readonly string allergensDoesContainListLocator = "//ul[@id = 'testList']//li";
private IList<IWebElement> AllergensDoesContainElements => driver.FindElements(By.XPath(allergensDoesContainListLocator));
private IEnumerable<string> AllergensDoesContainList => AllergensDoesContainElements.Select(element => element.Text);
Now you can make your assertion:
var expectedAllergens = new string[]
"Carp and its Derivatives",
"Tilapia and its Derivatives"
// If the order on screen matters to your assertion:
CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedAllergens, AllergensDoesContainList);
// If the order on screen does not matter:
CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(expectedAllergens, AllergensDoesContainList);