In my makefile I'm trying to add to each item in the list both prefix and suffix.
For example - assuming the list contains:
ITEMS =item1 item2 item3
I would like to get this string:
ITEMS_PADDED =--before item1 --after1 --after2 --before item2 --after1 --after2 --before item3 --after1 --after2
I tried with addprefix and addsuffix commands but it treats the added prefix as items so it add a suffix to the prefix as it was an item:
With the following code
ITEMS =item1 item2 item3
ITEMS_PREFIX =$(addprefix ' --before ', $(ITEMS))
ITEMS_SUFFIX =$(addsuffix ' --after ', $(ITEMS_PREFIX))
@echo $(ITEMS)
I'm getting this results:
item1 item2 item3
--before item1 --before item2 --before item3
--after --before --after item1 --after --after --before --after item2 --after --after --before --after item3 --after
which is obviously not correct.
This is a job for foreach
ITEMS := item1 item2 item3
ITEMS_FOREACH := $(foreach item,$(ITEMS),--before $(item) --after1 --after2)
@echo $(ITEMS)
From the manual: