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Selecting container type at compile time

I want to select one of the standard containers with one template parameter at compile time. Something like

    template<typename T>
    void foo()
        using Container = std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v<T, int>, 
                std::vector, // T is int
                std::set>;    // any other T
        Container<T> bar;

How to do this properly?


  • The simplest way seems to be

    using Container = std::conditional_t< std::is_same_v<T, int>, 
                std::vector<T>, // T is int
    Container bar;

    std::conditional_t allows you to select a type. There is no standard conditional template that would allow to select a template. You can write one if you want but this won't be convenient to use.

    template <bool t, template <typename...> typename X, template <typename...> typename Y>
    struct conditional_template;
    template <template <typename...> typename X, template <typename...> typename Y>
    struct conditional_template<true, X, Y>
        template <typename... ts> using type = X<ts...>;
    template <template <typename...> typename X, template <typename...> typename Y>
    struct conditional_template<false, X, Y>
        template <typename... ts> using type = Y<ts...>;
    template <typename... ts>
    using Container = conditional_template<true, std::list, std::vector>::type<ts...>;
    Container<int> x;

    It doesn't seem possible to define an analogue of std::conditional_t convenience alias.