Search code examples

How do I check all values in a Spartacus shop using Cypress?

I'm currently trying to test a shop in Cypress. One test is intended to test the usage of price filters. In my example, there are 4 filters that I want to click on one after the other. Then the first step is to ensure that the filters have been applied. However, I fail when selecting the filter. As long as I only choose one, the selection works.

I suspect it has to do with the asynchronous nature of Cypress. How do you do it right?

fixture file:


"priceRanges": [


  class="value selected"
    ><span class="label">$1,000-$100,000</span
    ><span class="count">1</span></span

This is what I tried:

  it.only('There shall be a way to filter products by price range', function () {
    const homePage = new HomePage();
    homePage.openProductCategoryLink('5'); // Camcorders
    // Stores, Price, Resolution, Brand
    cy.get('cx-facet').should('have.length', 4);
    cy.get('cx-facet').then((items) => {
      cy.wrap(items[1]).children('button').should('contain.text', 'Price');

      // check for price ranges
      this.filterCriteria.priceRanges.forEach((aPriceRange: any) => {
        cy.wrap(items[1]).children().should('contain.text', aPriceRange);
        //  Price $50-$199.991$200-$499.993$500-$999.991$1,000-$100,0001
        // TODO: narrow the range and see if the filter is applied correctly
        cy.get(`a[data-cx-focus="${aPriceRange}"]`).then((linkFound) => {
          cy.log('Click on: ' + aPriceRange);

There is only the last item checked instead all of them


  • The code looks ok, forEach loops are a bit of a red flag but that one should work.

    If you want to click all the check boxes, this should do it for you

    cy.get(`a[data-cx-focus]`)   // select all four ranges by not specifying the range value
      .click({ multiple: true }) // multiple items clicked at once

    By the way, cy.wrap(items[1]).children('button').should('contain.text', 'Price') - do you have to click that open first?

    Looking at the site, I think the forEach loop in the test is going too fast for the page refresh to keep up.

    Try adding a check within the loop, say looking for the Applied Filter tags

    this.filterCriteria.priceRanges.forEach((aPriceRange: any, index: number) =>{
      cy.wrap(items[1]).children().should('contain.text', aPriceRange);
      //  Price $50-$199.991$200-$499.993$500-$999.991$1,000-$100,0001
      // TODO: narrow the range and see if the filter is applied correctly
      cy.get(`a[data-cx-focus="${aPriceRange}"]`).then((linkFound) => {
        cy.log('Click on: ' + aPriceRange);
        cy.get('cx-active-facets a')         // get the price-range tags under "Applied filter"
          .should('have.length', index + 1)  // wait for the correct number