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Caching Rust/Wasm tools in Gitlab CI?

I'm working with Wasm and Rust, and I'm deploying the page with gitlab pages.

I'm using a gitlab-ci.yml file that looks like this:

image: "rust:latest"

  PUBLIC_URL: "/repo-name"

  stage: deploy
    - rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
    - cargo install wasm-pack
    - wasm-pack build --target web
    - mkdir public
    - mv ./pkg ./public/pkg
    - cp ./index.html ./public/index.html
      - public

But even for a "Hello World" app, this takes ~12 minutes.

~11 minutes of that is taken by the cargo install wasm-pack step.

Is there any way I can cache the intermediate step, to avoid doing this every time?


  • This page: Caching in GitLab CI/CD talks about caching and/or using artifacts to persist files between jobs. You may be able to make use of that.

    It then becomes a question of how to get cargo install to use that cache or the saved artifacts.

    Alternatively, you can define your own base build image (run the cargo install steps in that), and store that in Gitlab's docker registry; see