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Creating custom parameter group in AWS Elasticache based on default groups

I am trying to create custom parameter group in AWS Elasticache.

I'd like to use a default parameter group as a base (group named default.redis5.0.cluster.on, as there is everything else I need but just one property I'd like to change), see for more details about default parameter groups

My basic assumption would be that I'd need to copy the default parameter group values to a Terraform resource and then just modify the only parameter I need to change. However, this would produce huge list of parameters and wouldn't seem the simplest way to do this.

If I need to do copy parameters in the default.redis5.0.cluster.on parameter group, then I'd need to have those in Terraform. Is there a way to import a default resource group as Terraform configuration?


  • It's possible to create parameter group with family = redis5.0 that has got almost identical parameters with the default parameter group default.redis5.0.cluster.on.

    I ended up doing JSON diff for the properties in the two parameter groups: default.redis5.0and default.redis5.0.cluster.onand there was just one parameter difference. First, get the parameter groups as JSON:

    aws elasticache describe-cache-parameters --cache-parameter-group-name default.redis5.0.cluster.on > default.redis5.0.cluster.on.json
    aws elasticache describe-cache-parameters --cache-parameter-group-name default.redis5.0 > default.redis5.0.json

    Then do a JSON diff for the two files to obtain parameters that are different. There was only one, cluster-enabled so after that it was trivial to do a custom resource group that had same parameter values as default.redis5.0.cluster.on this way:

    resource "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" "aws_elasticache_parameter_group" {
      name        = "cache-params"
      family      = "redis5.0"
      description = "The parameter group has same values as default parameter group default.redis5.0.cluster.on"
      parameter {
        name  = "cluster-enabled"
        value = "yes"