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Is there a way to add a new column to a pandas multiindex that only aligns with one level?

I'm looking for a clean way to add a column to a multiindex dataframe, where the value is only repeated once per level=0.

For example,

I want to add a column to this:

Index level=0 Index level=1 Value (x)
A 1 300
2 850
3 2000
B 1 100
2 70
3 400

In order to get to this:

Index level=0 Index level=1 Value (x) Value (y)
A 1 300 Yellow
2 850
3 2000
B 1 100 Red
2 70
3 400

I do NOT want this:

Index level=0 Index level=1 Value (x) Value (y)
A 1 300 Yellow
2 850 Yellow
3 2000 Yellow
B 1 100 Red
2 70 Red
3 400 Red

I'm not sure how best to create a table here that shows what I'm hoping for, but the important part to me is that y corresponds to all rows of index level=0, but is not repeated for every increment of index level=1. I'm sure that I could the additional rows in the y column with null values but I thought there might be a more elegant way.


  • Use pd.IndexSlice:

    idx = pd.IndexSlice
    df.loc[idx[:, 1], 'Color'] = ['Yellow', 'Red']
    # Output
         Value   Color
    A 1    300  Yellow
      2    850     NaN
      3   2000     NaN
    B 1    100     Red
      2     70     NaN
      3    400     NaN

    Or only with slice:

    df.loc[(slice(None), 1), 'Color'] = ['Yellow', 'Red']
    # Output
         Value   Color
    A 1    300  Yellow
      2    850     NaN
      3   2000     NaN
    B 1    100     Red
      2     70     NaN
      3    400     NaN