I have an xml type column productsXML
in product
Create Table Product
ProductId Int,
productsXML XML
Insert Into Product
Values (1, '<products><productInfo><Item>Car</Item></productInfo></products>'),
(2, '<products><productInfo><Item>Train</Item></productInfo></products>'),
(3, '<products></products>')
ProductId productsXML
1 <products><productInfo><Item>Car</Item></productInfo></products>
2 <products><productInfo><Item>Train</Item></productInfo></products>
3 <products></products>
I want to find all the rows that have <products></products>
I tried this:
Select *
From products
Where productsxml.exist('/products') = 1
This is returning all the rows that have products tag and understandably so.
Is there a way to filter only those rows that have <products></products>
PLease try the following solution.
It is checking that the root products element has no child elements.
DECLARE @tbl TABLE (ProductId int primary key, productsXML XML);
INSERT INTO @tbl (ProductId, productsXML) VALUES
FROM @tbl
Where productsxml.exist('/products[not(*)]')=1
| ProductId | productsXML |
| 3 | <products /> |