A colleague deleted a Sharepoint 2013 page by mistake, I can find it in the recycle bin, but when I try to restore it I encounter an error:
A file named "P10.aspx" already exists in "PORG/OAN/Pages". To restore the file, rename the existing file and retry.
The fact is that when I go into "PORG/OAN", site content, Pages, I can't find any "P10.apsx". I also tried to search for an existing "P10.aspx" file on the entire Sharepoint and didn't find anything.
Does anyone have an idea where that file might be hidden or how to delete/rename it without finding it so I can restore the one in the recycle bin please?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
In the Pages library settings, click on "Manage files which have no checked in version" and check if the offending page is shown there. – Monte_fisto