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sabre car new bookAPI EnhancedVehBookRQ

I tried to call EnhancedVehBookRQ API with CERT ENV This is my request and response


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sec="" >
            <Security xmlns="">
            <MessageHeader xmlns="">
                    <PartyId type="">from</PartyId>
                    <PartyId type="">to</PartyId>
            <EnhancedVehBookRQ xmlns="" version="1.0.0">
                    <BookingInfo >
                    <Customer NameNumber="1.1">
                            <StateCountyProv StateCode="TX" />
                            <StreetNmbr>1234 TEST ADDRESS</StreetNmbr>
                        <GuaranteePrepaid Type="GUARANTEE">
                    <VehRentalCore Quantity="1" />

I could not move ahead with car booking, getting errors like this

<Message code="ERR.SP.INTERNAL_ERROR">TravelItineraryReadRQ: After maximum retry count it was not possible to successfully execute target service</Message>

Can anybody please confirm whether SOAP requst is proper or not or I am missing something from my side


  • Yes, before running EnhancedVehBookRQ API you need to run PassengerDetailsRQ with TravelIntinerary details in it. On the success of this API use the response details for the request of this API and then run it