So I have a massing csv dump that I need to parse to JSON. Among those csv fields, there are comment fields, similar to this one:
2999.99 + 90J
which I guess is meant as a price and a number of days, but then when I get to dumping this as JSON it shows up as
Which is a complex number and not json seriablizable. I guess I could try to find & replace all border cases, but I'd rather just tell json/python to ignore any complex number representation? Is there some way to do that? Or do I really need to go through all the data? A quick search tells me there are a least a few problematic comments like that, so I'd rather not....
It is something in your code that is doing this conversion. Here's how the standard modules work:
import csv
import json
# x.csv contains:
# one,two,333,444+44j,555
data = list(csv.reader(open('x.csv')))
d = json.dumps(data, indent=4)
[['one', 'two', '333', '444+44j', '555']]