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Calling a camel route using Producer Template

My use case is based on the rest controller input I need to fetch or move files from different source system to destination system.

Route :-

public class MoveFile extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() throws Exception {

    .setBody().constant("File - ${header.inPath}/${header.fileName} Moved Succesfully")


My rest controller will pass the jobName along the getMapping to invoke this specific route inPath , outPath and File Names

private Prosperties props;

public String runJob (@PathVariable final String jobToInvoke){
String inPath=props.getProperty("inPath"+jobToInvoke)
String outPath=props.getProperty("outPath"+jobToInvoke)
String fileName=props.getProperty("fileName"+jobToInvoke)

String jobStatus = ProducerTemplate.withHeader("inPath",inPath)

I need help to use Producer Template to pass the properties using to ? I tried some search on the google, but there is an example available in youtube (link) , But in that Video it is calling uri , (Direct:sendMessage) and from in the route also has that. How to handle in this scenario ? Thanks in Advance


  • A route beginning with a direct: endpoint can be invoked programmatically from Java code. In the route, the pollEnrich component invokes a consumer endpoint to read a file and replace the exchange message body with the file contents.

        .setBody().simple("File - ${header.inPath} Moved Successfully");

    To invoke the route from Java code:

    String jobStatus = producerTemplate.withHeader("inPath", inPath)
        .withHeader("outPath", outPath)