These days at work, I was asked if it was possible to do automated pipeline versioning.
After researching about I found some examples using date versioning, like:2021.21.09.153507
My sh that performs the versioning:
git pull --rebase origin dev
npm install -g json
year=$(date +'%Y')
month=$(date +'%m')
day=$(date +'%d')
hours=$(date +'%H')$(date +'%M')$(date +'%S')
json -I -f package.json -e "this.version=\"$newVersion\""
git add package.json
git commit -m "[skip ci]"
git push origin dev
Everything worked out with this solution, but we always use versioning manual with the semantic like this: 1.0.0
Is it possible to identify which branch is being merged and thus create conditions to increase the version depending on some tag in the commit?
Check out this doc.
Bitbucket Pipelines provide a set of default variables that are available for builds, and can be used in scripts. Values include BITBUCKET_BRANCH
(pull request destination branch),
and many others.
Moreover, I can tell from my own experience that the list provided by that link is not exhaustive - there are more potentially interesting variables available for your build which are undocumented for some reason. Running printenv
somewhere in your pipeline will reveal them in their entirety.