I am making a python script which makes a html table with a list (Without a module), but it keeps printing the entire list in one row instead of wrapping it like I need. My list is data = ['1', '2', '3', ... , '30']
Im trying to get it to 5 cells in each row (not counting the side header) but I keep getting the entire list being printed in every row:
Here is a blank table for a bit of reference:
My code,
classes = {"ILA":'#d0e2f3', "Math":'#f5cacc', "Science":'#d9ead3', "Social<br>Studies":'#ffe598', "Academy<br>Connect!":
'#dad2e9', "Elective":'#f9cb9c'}
file = open("/Users/EhMehMan/PythonProjects/agenda/output.html", "w")
table = "<h3>Date:__________________________________________________________</h3>\n<head>\n<style>table, th, td" \
" {\nborder: 3px solid black;\nborder-collapse: collapse;\n}\n</style>\n</head>\n<table style='width:100%'>\n"
table += " <tr>\n"
table += " <th>{0}</th>\n".format(" ")
for z in days:
table += " <th style = 'height:74px;width:350px'>{text}</th>\n".format(text=z)
table += " </tr>\n"
for x in classes.keys():
table += " <tr>\n"
table += " <th style='height:100px;width:100px' bgcolor='{color}'>{classes}</th>\n".format(color=classes[x],classes=x)
for element in data:
table += " <td>{cell}</td>\n".format(cell = element)
table += " </tr>\n"
table += "</table>"
Any help would be great!
The loop for element in data:
iterates over the entire dataset for every row. You need to adjust it to run in chunks of size len(days)
, incrementing for each row.
There are a couple of ways of doing that. A complicated way would be to make an iterator that chunks up data
and zip
it with classes.keys
in the outer loop. A much simpler approach would be to maintain a counter between runs of the outer loop:
for index, subject in enumerate(classes):
table += " <tr>\n"
table += f" <th style='height:100px;width:100px' bgcolor='{classes[subject]}'>{subject}</th>\n"
for i in range(len(days)):
table += f" <td>{data[index * len(days) + i]}</td>\n"
table += " </tr>\n"
A faster way to do what you want would be to write to the file directly instead of accumulating a giant string in memory. Also, operate on files using a with
block, so resources get freed up correctly in case of error. So for the example above:
with open("/Users/EhMehMan/PythonProjects/agenda/output.html", "w") as file:
file.write(' <style>table, th, td {\nborder: 3px solid black;\n')
file.write(' border-collapse: collapse;\n}\n')
file.write(' </style>\n')
file.write('<table style='width:100%'>\n')
for index, (subject, color) in enumerate(classes.items()):
file.write(' <tr>\n')
file.write(f' <th style="height:100px;width:100px" bgcolor="{color}">{subject}</th>\n')
for i in range(len(days)):
file.write(f' <td>{data[index * len(days) + i]}</td>\n')
file.write(' </tr>\n')
Notice that formatting gets a lot easier with f-strings.