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Validation of text objects or handling on objects that dont appear in all cases in robot framework

I have to validate a page text after logging into an application, Text/ that page dont appear everytime but if the page appears then I have to do some actions and if it dont appear then I have to proceed.

I tried the below methods : 1.

Run Keyword If    Page Should Contain   ${txt_HomePage}  Login Successful
     Else    Login Unsuccessful
Login Successful
     Log     Successfully logged into application
Login Unsucessful
     Log     Please verify userid and password
${Result}=   Page Should Contain    ${txt_HomePage} 
Run Keyword Unless  '${RESULT}'=='PASS'    Log   Unsucessfull

Both the cases are failing, any other suggestion? How to handles that objects that dont appear in all cases


  • Robot Framework is not very elegant when need to test a system that does not always behave same way. You can use RF Run Keyword And Ignore Error to get pass/fail and work on that:

    ${status}   ${message}=    Run Keyword And Ignore Error    Page Should Contain   ${txt_HomePage}
    IF          "${status}" == "PASS"
                Log     Successfully logged into application
                Log     Please verify userid and password