I want to seed existing database in my application.
here is db with data in it:
I made array in seeder and now I want to assign those values to my fields with one loop I guess;
This is migration:
public function up()
Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {
And here is my seeder, I tried something but it isn't working. it says "Undefined array key "A""
public function run()
$array = ['A', 1232, 'PC',
'A', 1233, 'PC',
'A', 1276, 'Printer',
'A', 1298, 'Laptop',
'A', 1401, 'Printer',
'A', 1408, 'Printer',
'A', 1752, 'Laptop',
'B', 1121, 'PC',
'B', 1750, 'Laptop',
'C', 1321, 'Laptop',
'D', 1288, 'Printer',
'D', 1433, 'Printer',
'E', 1260, 'PC',
'E', 1434, 'Printer',
'E', 2112, 'PC',
'E', 2113, 'PC'
foreach ($array as $key => $item){
'maker' => $array[$item],
'model' => $array[$item],
'type' => $array[$item]
use this function for insert all data
'maker' =>$array[$i],
'model' => $array[$i+1],
'type' => $array[$i+2]