In a 32-bit VCL Application in Windows 10 in Delphi 11 Alexandria, I have a TRzShellTree
(from the Konopka Signature VCL Controls 7.0 available in GetIt):
object RzShellTree1: TRzShellTree
Left = 0
Top = 41
Width = 201
Height = 428
Align = alLeft
BaseFolder.Pidl = {
Indent = 19
ReadOnly = True
SelectionPen.Color = clBtnShadow
TabOrder = 0
OnDragOver = RzShellTree1DragOver
...where I try to get information about a file dragged from Windows File Explorer over one of the nodes in the OnDragOver
event handler:
procedure TForm1.RzShellTree1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
CodeSite.Send('TForm1.RzShellTree1DragOver: Source.ClassName', Source.ClassName);
Specifically, I need to get the FILE PATH of the file dragged over the node. If the file is a specific type (e.g. .DPROJ), I will set the var parameter Accept = True
and then process the file path further.
But unfortunately, the OnDragOver
event handler is NEVER CALLED when I drag a file over one of the nodes!
But I need to accept only specific file types and show that to the user. How can I do that?
As noted in the comments above, the OnDragDrop and OnDragOver events are specifically for the VCL internal drag and drop and are not involved in the OLE Drag-and-drop processing implemented by the TRzShellTree. Further complicating things is that there are no events surfaced in the TRzShellTree's OLE Drag-and-drop processing. The method that handles the drag over functionality is virtual, but I don't think that will lead to what you want.
Another option would be to turn off the OleDrag and OleDrop settings in the Options property and use the DropMaster components to deal with the Drag-and-Drop functionality. You have a lot more control over the drag operations with DropMaster.