I'm trying to get the "content_type" property for files in Azure fileshare. I can get "last_modified" and "size" but not "content_type"
from azure.storage.file import *
from azure.storage.fileshare import *
def azure_connect_conn_string(source_file_connection_string, source_share_name):
share_service = ShareServiceClient.from_connection_string(source_file_connection_string)#ShareServiceClient interact with the account level
share_client = share_service.get_share_client(source_share_name) #desired share name is accessed
file_service = FileService(connection_string=source_file_connection_string)
print("Connection String -- Connected.")
return share_client, file_service #returns the share client
except Exception as ex:
print("Error: " + str(ex))
def fileshare_content_list(connection_instance, directory_name, file_service, share_name):
d_client = connection_instance.get_directory_client(directory_name)
my_files = d_client.list_directories_and_files()
directory_list = []
for file in my_files:
if file.get('is_directory'):
#cannot get size of directory, only of files
file_name = file.get('name')
file_lastmod = file.get('last_modified')
file_type = 'directory'
file_size = 'unknown'
file_name = file.get('name')
file_props = file_service.get_file_properties(share_name, directory_name, file_name)
file_lastmod = file_props.properties.last_modified
file_size = file.get('size')
def main():
azure_connection_string = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=ecpcdmsdatamartexternal;AccountKey=neNa1jtdyVljMN/j403/rHwdYBpPUtKTreeYM4UsKiosiOfKdePgyZdJl8SK9UdAlsXwVvOkNdNWZjnOCyn/lw==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net'
share_name = "ecdmpext"
directory_name = "data"
connection_instance, file_service = azure_connect_conn_string(azure_connection_string, share_name)
## List files
fileshare_content_list(connection_instance, directory_name, file_service, share_name)
except Exception as ex:
print('main | Error: ', ex)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I get error 'FileProperties' object has no attribute 'content_type'
When I try using file.get("content_type")
I just get "None".
I use file.get()
for "size" and "name", for "last_modified" I have to use file_service.get_file_properties.properties.last_modified
but neither method works for "content_type".
You were almost there :). The content_type
property is actually a sub property of content_settings
property in File's property
returned by get_file_properties
So your code would be something like:
file_content_type = file_props.properties.content_settings.content_type