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Deallocating arrays defined from c_f_pointer

The following code compiles in both GNU gfortran and Intel ifort. But only the gfortran compiled version will run successfully.

    program fort_tst
        use iso_c_binding

        INTEGER, POINTER :: a(:) 
        TYPE(C_PTR) :: ptr 

        INTEGER, POINTER :: b(:) 


        ptr = c_loc(a) 

        CALL c_f_pointer(ptr,b,[5]) 

    end program fort_tst

The error in the Intel compiled code is :

forrtl: severe (173): A pointer passed to DEALLOCATE points to an object that cannot be deallocated
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source             
fort_tst           000000000040C5A1  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
fort_tst           0000000000403A17  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
fort_tst           0000000000403812  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown       00002AAAAB20F555  __libc_start_main     Unknown  Unknown
fort_tst           0000000000403729  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

The gfortran code runs to completion. A quick valgrind check does not find any leaks.

Can someone confirm whether the code above is valid/legal code?

I am running

    ifort (IFORT) 2021.2.0 20210228


    GNU Fortran (GCC) 9.2.0
    Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


What is interesting is that gfortran does the right thing, (i.e. deallocates only allocated memory), even when the user tries to confound it with improper index remapping, or a bogus shape argument. So the internal array descriptor is being properly copied over with gfortran's c_f_pointer.


  • Posts above inspired the following solution. The idea is to create a type that wraps the actual data array. Then, c_loc/c_f_pointer sequence works fine with a pointer to a scalar object. The data array stored in the type can be safely allocated, along with the array type itself.

    MODULE arraytype_m
        TYPE, PUBLIC :: arraytype
            INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: data(:)
        END TYPE arraytype  
    END MODULE arraytype_m
    PROGRAM fort_tst
        USE iso_c_binding
        USE arraytype_m
        TYPE(arraytype), POINTER  :: a, b
        TYPE(C_PTR) :: ptr 
        !! Set to C-style pointer, and then copy back to Fortran pointer.
        ptr = c_loc(a) 
        CALL c_f_pointer(ptr,b)
    END PROGRAM fort_tst

    This works with both Intel and gfortan, and is really a better solution than what I was trying to do.

    Special thanks for @Federico for posting the C++/Fortran code that made this solution obvious.

    Update : A complete code, which shows how the ptr above can be stored in C.

    // C code
    typedef void* arraytype;
    void allocate_array(arraytype *ptr);
    void deallocate_array(arraytype *ptr);
    void do_something(arraytype *ptr);
    int main()
        arraytype ptr;
        return 0;

    and the corresponding Fortran :

    !! Fortran code
    MODULE arraytype_mod
        TYPE, PUBLIC :: arraytype
            DOUBLE PRECISION, POINTER :: data(:)
        END TYPE arraytype  
    END MODULE arraytype_mod
    SUBROUTINE allocate_array(ptr) BIND(C,name='allocate_array')
        USE iso_c_binding
        USE arraytype_mod
        TYPE(c_ptr) :: ptr
        TYPE(arraytype), POINTER :: a
        ptr = c_loc(a)
    SUBROUTINE deallocate_array(ptr) BIND(C,name='deallocate_array')
        USE iso_c_binding
        USE arraytype_mod
        TYPE(C_PTR) :: ptr
        TYPE(arraytype), pointer :: a
        CALL c_f_pointer(ptr,a)
    SUBROUTINE do_something(ptr) BIND(C,name='do_something')
        USE iso_c_binding
        USE arraytype_mod
        TYPE(c_ptr) :: ptr
        TYPE(arraytype), POINTER :: a
        CALL c_f_pointer(ptr,a)
        a%data = 2.5
        WRITE(6,*) a%data