i'm trying to convert any timezone time to uk time. i'm getting the value error in the time_format variable.
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
newyork_tz = timezone('America/New_York')
london_tz = timezone('Europe/London')
it is in type string and when i'm trying to convert to int it is giving me this error
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2022, 02, 02, 21, 32, 25'
expecting out like below with type int
2022, 02, 02, 21, 28, 15
i'm new to python plz guide me with possible solution
Use strptime()
to parse a datetime. It uses the same format string as strftime()
newyork = newyork_tz.localize(datetime.strptime(time_format, format))