I Would like to store in a variable the first 2 chars of a first name and then the first char of a last name in Python. I have to use the Splice() along with the indexing.
For example: John Doe --> JoD
I am pretty new to Python, and this is what I have come up to so far.
def getCharsOfName(name):
initials= ""
for c in name:
initials += c[0]
name = input("Enter your name (in two words)")
name = name.split(' ')
Output --> JD (should be JoD)
I defined a function for this operation.
I can only manage to print the initials right now, I thought to include a condition on the second pass of the for loop but I could not find a proper solution.
Has anybody an idea on how I could make this work ?
Thank you,
Use split along the space. Then use list_after_split[0][0:2] for the firstname, and list_after_split[1][0:1] for the lastname. Then just join (add) the two strings together.