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CORS issues when doing redirection from .net core web api

Error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from 'https://localhost:44359/api/Verification/signin') from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request.

I have enabled CORS policy in Verification service and hence the call from localhost:4200 goes to Verification/signin method.
The logic inside Verification/signin created URL successfully and tries to performs a redirection.

The redirection is done using following code:

public async Task<ActionResult<ApiResponse>> Signin([FromBody] ApiQuery request)
    ApiResponse response = await Mediator.Send(request);
    return RedirectPermanent(response.SomeEndpoint);

Redirection happens successfully in SoapUI when I tested Verification/signin method. However, when I integrate the Verification/signin method in Angular app, the redirection fails due to CORS issue.

Do I need to set any headers inside Verification/signin method before the redirection is performed and/or inside localhost:4200 when the web api call is made? -> .Net application

Verification/signin -> .Net Core 5.0 Web Api

localhost:4200 -> Angular 11 App

I have managed to resolved the pre-flight OPTION request issue by adding code in Global.asax.cs -> Application_BeginRequest method. Now all the pre-flight request are successful, however, the browser still don't redirect.

I can see the HTML coming up in F12 -> Response tab however the redirection is not happening.

Do I need to add any special headers before return RedirectPermanent(response.SomeEndpoint);


  • I think the real issue is by design. Server redirections are not applicable to Single Pages Apps.

    For my understanding you have 2 applications:

    • Angular frontend
    • dotnet core api backend

    The entire Angular application is loaded on first browse and runs on a browser: every route is managed client side. The only way to contact the server is via apis.

    In this context redirecting an api XHR background request does not trigger a browser redirect.

    You can achieve your goal returning an api http error like this on backend side:

    401 Unauthorized
      "code": 401,
      "message": "Unauthorized",
      "details": "You need to login"

    Than you can manage this "standard" http errors with an Angular AuthGuard like described here