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Sympy dsolve with plots

I am solving an ODE with Sympy. The equation is


To solve it, I used this little code, which returns this result.

from sympy import *
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = symbols('x')
y = Function('y')

f = y(x)

edo = Eq(f.diff()+3*x**2*f, 6*x**2)

edoSolve = dsolve(edo, f)

C1*exp(-x**3) + 2

My question is, how can I plot the result with x being a range from 0 to 10?


  • Firstly it's problematic to combine these two lines:

    from sympy import *
    from numpy import *

    These two libraries define many functions with the same names and mixing those together will lead to problems. For clarity it is better to do something like:

    import sympy as sym
    import numpy as np

    You can only plot a sympy expression if you give numbers for all of the symbols apart from the one that you want to plot against (i.e. x in this example). That means that you need to have a concrete value for the integration constant C1. You can get that by giving an initial conditions (ics) argument to dsolve. Also since dsolve returns an equation you need to choose a side of the equation as the expression that you want to plot. Having done that the sym.plot function will do precisely what you ask for:

    In [10]: import sympy as sym
    In [11]: sol = sym.dsolve(edo, f, ics={f.subs(x, 0): 1})
    In [12]: sol
    y(x) = 2 - ℯ   
    In [13]: sym.plot(sol.rhs, (x, 0, 10))
    Out[13]: <sympy.plotting.plot.Plot at 0x7f346de1caf0>

    plot of the solution