I need to disable some fields based on my angular form. I am trying to disable the DOM elements in component class because many html tags are customized and so disabled attribute cannot be used there. The way I am doing this is using @ViewChild/@ViewChildren in my component and disabling in ngAfterViewInit(). I am not able to disable the elements which are inside ngIf in html. Below is the code: Html:
<div *ngIf="displayAdvOpt">
<div class="card-title">Rules</div>
label=" "
Component class:
@ViewChildren('rule') ruleSelect;
When logging ruleSelect in component class, it shows that is a QueryList and not a FormControl, as is the case for the elements not inside ngIf. Due to this, I am not able to do ruleSelect.control.disable() to make it disabled in html. I am doing these in ngAfterViewInit(). Please let me know how can I disable a QueryLst or if there is any other way.
@Abhinash, you can not acces to any element if is not in the screen. As you has the element under a *ngIf you need condition becomes true and "after Angular repaint", enable/disable... so, in general
But your abc-select-field, has a FormControl in any way and the FormControl exist even the abc-select-field is not in screen, so if you makes that the elements are disabled depending if the control is disabled