I am trying to create a TextFormField
with increment and decrement buttons and TextFormField
is editable "by hand" as well. But there is a small problem if I use BLoC
with this - state
"falls" one behind, meaning that when I tap "+" first time nothing changes, but when I tap it the second time it changes its value to 21 (and so on..).
I tried the same implementation with just a regular Text
and it works as expected and updating properly.
I'm just wondering if my logic of how I am setting TextFormField
is flawed:
with default value amount (20);PlusEvent
to increment current valueamount
value from state
Widget class:
class MyCalculation extends StatefulWidget {
const MyCalculation({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyCalculation> createState() => _MyCalculationState();
class _MyCalculationState extends State<MyCalculation> {
late TextEditingController _controller;
late MyCalcBloc _bloc;
void initState() {
_bloc = context.read();
_controller.text = _bloc.state.amount.toString();
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<MyCalcBloc, MyCalcState>(builder: (context, state) {
return MyCustomTextFormField(
controller: _controller,
onChanged: (value) {},
onPlusTap: () {
_bloc.text = '${state.amount}';
onMinusTap: () {});
BLoC class:
class MyCalcBloc extends Bloc<MyCalcEvent, MyCalcState> {
MyCalcBloc() : super(const MyCalcState(amount: 20)) {
void _onPlusEvent(PlusEvent event, Emitter<MyCalcState> emit) {
final newValue = state.amount + 1;
emit(MyCalcState(amount: newValue));
You should instantiate TextEditingController
within BlocProvider
, that way you'll get "current" state
value displayed in TextFormField
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return BlocBuilder<MyCalcBloc, MyCalcState>(builder: (context, state) {
_controller = TextEditingController(text: state.amount.toString());
return MyCustomTextFormField(
controller: _controller,
onChanged: (value) {},
onPlusTap: () {
_bloc.text = '${state.amount}';
onMinusTap: () {});