Why should I use VM, like Parrot, for a dynamic language I use (Python, Perl, ...) if I already have an interpreter? What can I potentially gain, for the cost of having different VM between my code and my machine, and by using a separate interpreter?
(I am new in VM issue, so maybe the answer is obvious)
Why should I use VM, like Parrot, for a dynamic language I use (Python, Perl, ...) if I already have an interpreter?
First, if you're starting a project, then you may not already have an interpreter.
However, assuming you have an interpreter and are considering whether to add functionality to it or rewrite it to use Parrot, the tradeoffs that come to mind are:
Personally, Parrot's optimizer (and register-based design, largely to make optimizations easier) and well tested cross platform codebase would be enough to convince me.