I am trying to locate the cordinates of an image with locateOnWindow()
position = pt.locateOnWindow(image, 'Discord', grayscale=True, confidence=.9)
I get this error and the discord window icon turns into orange. Picture
raise PyGetWindowException('Error code from Windows: %s - %s' % (errorCode, _formatMessage(errorCode))) pygetwindow.PyGetWindowException: Error code from Windows: 0 - The operation completed successfully.
From pyautogui
documentation, as Screenshot Functions says: you can call the locateOnScreen()
function to get the screen coordinates. The return value is a 4-integer tuple: (left, top, width, height). This tuple can be passed to center()
function to get the X
and Y
coordinates at the center of this region.
So I saved a discord icon image from my laptop and found the coordinates correctly as below:
import pyautogui
image = 'discord.png'
locate = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image, grayscale=True, confidence=0.8)
position = pyautogui.center(pyautogui.locateOnScreen(image, grayscale=True, confidence=0.8))
If you print(locate)
Box(left=91, top=288, width=23, height=26)
If you print(position)
Point(x=102, y=301)