I have a a table for assignments, one for solutions and another for students. I want to retrieve all assignments and against each I want to add a 'flag' showing that the currently logged-in student has attempted the assignment or not.
I have tried this:
import (
var database *gorm.DB
var solutions []db.Solution
var listOfAsnmtIDs []uint
func myfuncn (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
_ = database.Table("solutions").Where("pupil_id = ?",
for _, solution := range solutions {
listOfAsnmtIDs = append(listOfAsnmtIDs, solution.AssignmentID)
response := database.Table("assignments").Select(`id, created_at, IIF((id IN ?), 'attempted', 'Not attempted') as attempted`, listOfAsnmtIDs).Find(&allAssignments)
if response.RowsAffected < 1 {
respondToClient(w, 404, nil, "No assignments found")
You just need to list params. Something like this
var mad string
for i, solution := range solutions {
mad += strconv.FormatUint(uint64(solution.AssignmentID), 10)
if i != len(solutions) {
mad += ","
listOfAsnmtIDs = append(listOfAsnmtIDs, solution.AssignmentID)
response := database.Table("assignments").Select(`id, created_at, IIF((id IN ?), 'attempted', 'Not attempted') as attempted`, mad).Find(&allAssignments)