I need to use htons()
in my code to convert the little-endian ordered short to a network (big-endian) byte order. I have this code:
int PacketInHandshake::serialize(SOCKET connectSocket, BYTE* outBuffer, ULONG outBufferLength) {
memset(outBuffer, 0, outBufferLength);
const int sizeOfShort = sizeof(u_short);
u_short userNameLength = (u_short)strlen(userName);
u_short osVersionLength = (u_short)strlen(osVersion);
int dataLength = 1 + (sizeOfShort * 2) + userNameLength + osVersionLength;
outBuffer[0] = id;
outBuffer[1] = htons(userNameLength);// htons() here
printf("u_short byte 1: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", BYTE_TO_BINARY(outBuffer[1]));
printf("u_short byte 2: %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", BYTE_TO_BINARY(outBuffer[2]));
for (int i = 0; i < userNameLength; i++) {
outBuffer[1 + sizeOfShort + i] = userName[i];
outBuffer[1 + sizeOfShort + userNameLength] = htons(osVersionLength);// and here
for (int i = 0; i < osVersionLength; i++) {
outBuffer[1 + (sizeOfShort * 2) + userNameLength + i] = osVersion[i];
int result;
result = send(connectSocket, (char*)outBuffer, dataLength, 0);
if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
printf("PacketInHandshake sent: %ld bytes\n", result);
return result;
Which results in a packet like this to be sent:
As you see, the length indication bytes where htons()
is used are all zeros, where they should be 00 07
and 00 16
And this is the console output:
u_short byte 1: 00000000
u_short byte 2: 00000000
PacketInHandshake sent: 34 bytes
If I remove the htons()
and just put the u_shorts in the buffer as they are, everything is as expected, little-endian ordered:
u_short byte 1: 00000111
u_short byte 2: 00000000
PacketInHandshake sent: 34 bytes
So what am I doing wrong?
Converting endianess of a 16 bit number and storing it in a byte array is trivial, there is no need for library functions. Assuming 32 bit CPU:
uint16_t u16 = ...;
uint8_t out[2];
out[0] = ((uint32_t)u16 >> 8) & 0xFFu;
out[1] = ((uint32_t)u16 >> 0) & 0xFFu;
The casts and u
suffix are there as a good habits to block implicit promotion to int
which is problematic in some cases, since it's a signed number.
Since shifts don't care about the underlying endianess, the above code works for both big-to-little and little-to-big conversions, as long as you go from one to the other.
This scales to 32 bit types as:
uint32_t u32 = ...;
uint8_t out[4];
out [0] = ((uint32_t)u32 >> 24) & 0xFFu;
out [1] = ((uint32_t)u32 >> 16) & 0xFFu;
out [2] = ((uint32_t)u32 >> 8) & 0xFFu;
out [3] = ((uint32_t)u32 >> 0) & 0xFFu;