which versions are you using? (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
Task version 4 - Azure DevOps Services
what are you trying to achieve?
Run Code Analysis
what have you tried so far to achieve this?
*Error Log:
17:56:22.652 17:56:22.652 WARNING: File ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\microsoft.net.test.sdk\16.6.1\build\netcoreapp2.1\Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk.Program.cs’ is not located under the root directory ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. 17:56:22.652 17:56:22.652 WARNING: File ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\microsoft.testplatform.testhost\16.6.1\build\netcoreapp2.1\x64\testhost.exe’ is not located under the root directory ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. 17:56:22.653 17:56:22.653 WARNING: File ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\microsoft.testplatform.testhost\16.6.1\build\netcoreapp2.1\x64\testhost.dll’ is not located under the root directory ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. 17:56:22.653 17:56:22.653 WARNING: File
I have check and this file is present on above path ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.4.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll’ is not located under the root directory
I have check and this file is present on above path ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. 17:56:22.653 17:56:22.653 WARNING: File ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.4.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.reporters.netcoreapp10.dll’ is not located under the root directory ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. 17:56:22.653 17:56:22.653 WARNING: File ‘C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.4.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.utility.netcoreapp10.dll’ is not located under the root directory ‘F:\AzureServicesAgents\AgentU07_work\1\s’ and will not be analyzed. Calling the TFS Processor executable…
After reading several dependencies logs, did find out that in reality those files were analyze, it seems that "Azure DevOps" and "SonarQube" can't agree on what did happen after this pipeline execution so the take out is:
Two other engineers with me agreed this is an error of data interpretation across the pipeline but, the logs prove that they passed, and the report was created in the SonarQube endpoint, so it would be ignored