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grpc multiple returns types

What is the best approach to get one more guy in return on a service? I mean, i want a single method to be able to return more than one type, in which case the find method would return a User or a Response

syntax = "proto3";

service UserService {
    rpc Add(User) returns (Response);
    rpc Find(Id) returns (User);

message Response {
    string message = 1;

message Id {
    string id = 1;

message User {
    string id = 1;
    int32 money = 2;


  • You could return an object that includes the response and the user.

        syntax = "proto3";
        service UserService {
            rpc Add(User) returns (Response);
            rpc Find(Id) returns (FindResponse);
        message Response {
            string message = 1;
        message Id {
            string id = 1;
        message User {
            string id = 1;
            int32 money = 2;
        message FindResponse{
            Response response = 1;
            User user = 2;