I am trying to create sub components under a main component and sending props from main to sub components. I would like to have possibility if user makes changes on sub component it will not affect main component. I mean one way binding.
to see full repository https://github.com/saidakyuz/test-vue-props-wih-cypress
As a solution SubComp3 returns individual element of reference types, but I would like to have possibility to return full array or object in case I need to use it.
Can someone help me to find out a solution?
I found a good way copying reference objects without it's reference connection. So that main component won't be affected from changes on child component.
Changes I made(shallow);
var cObjectString=this.pObjectString
var cObjectString={...this.pObjectString}
But shallow doesn't work for array object. For that I have used deepclone as following;
var cObjectArray =this.pObjectArray
var cObjectArray = cloneDeep(this.pObjectArray)
In this article you can get more information about shallow or deep clone reference types