Here's many similar questions but I still couldn't solve this problem.
Child's ref
is null in Listner.
I really don't understand what this is.
The code is below.
// Parent.tsx
const Parent: React.FC<{id: string}> = (props) => {
const [id] = useState(
const modalRef = createRef<ModalRef>();
// If I registerd the Listner here, modalRef is not null but,
// multiple Listner has registered.
useEffect(() => {
listner.on('MODAL_POPUP', (o:{param:string}) => {
modalRef.current?.pop(o.param); // <--- modalRef.current is null
return() => {};
}, []);
return (
<Modal ref={modalRef} id={id}>
// Modal.tsx
export interface ModalProps {
id: string;
export interface ModalRef {
pop: () => void;
const Modal = React.forwardRef<ModalRef, ModalProps>((props, ref) => {
const [id] = useState(;
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({
pop() {
console.log('popup modal');
return createPotal(
document.getElementById('modal-root') as HTMLElement,
Any advice for me? Thanks.
You need to use useRef
for creating the ref
in React Function Components, so change it to this:
const Parent: React.FC<{id: string}> = (props) => {
const [id] = useState(
const modalRef = useRef<ModalRef>(); // <== here
useEffect(() => {
listner.on('MODAL_POPUP', (o:{param:string}) => {
return() => {'MODAL_POPUP', ()=>{});
}, []);
return (
<Modal ref={modalRef} id={id}>