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Postgres cannot create database but can create a user

I am using Ubuntu Linux. I am trying to use Postgres as database. It is doing fine when I created a user:

CREATE USER username;

But when I try to create a database, it returns nothing:

CREATE DATABASE databasename;

What is happening with my Postgres?

enter image description here

 datid | datname  | pid  | leader_pid | usesysid | usename  | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_start         |          xact_start           |          query_start          |         state_change          | wait_event_type |     wait_event      | state  | backend_xid | backend_xmin | query_id |              query              |         backend_type
       |          | 8237 |            |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2022-02-02 13:00:47.683187+07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | AutoVacuumMain      |        |             |              |          |                                 | autovacuum launcher
       |          | 8239 |            |       10 | postgres |                  |             |                 |             | 2022-02-02 13:00:47.70127+07  |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | LogicalLauncherMain |        |             |              |          |                                 | logical replication launcher
 13726 | postgres | 8329 |            |       10 | postgres | psql             |             |                 |          -1 | 2022-02-02 13:08:52.250244+07 | 2022-02-02 13:09:10.651383+07 | 2022-02-02 13:09:10.651383+07 | 2022-02-02 13:09:10.651393+07 | Lock            | object              | active |             |          740 |          | CREATE DATABASE kong;           | client backend
 13726 | postgres | 8313 |            |       10 | postgres | psql             |             |                 |          -1 | 2022-02-02 13:04:57.265085+07 | 2022-02-02 13:10:40.097817+07 | 2022-02-02 13:10:40.097817+07 | 2022-02-02 13:10:40.09782+07  |                 |                     | active |             |          740 |          | SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity; | client backend
       |          | 8235 |            |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2022-02-02 13:00:47.664058+07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | BgWriterHibernate   |        |             |              |          |                                 | background writer
       |          | 8234 |            |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2022-02-02 13:00:47.654713+07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | CheckpointerMain    |        |             |              |          |                                 | checkpointer
       |          | 8236 |            |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2022-02-02 13:00:47.673631+07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | WalWriterMain       |        |             |              |          |                                 | walwriter
(7 rows)


and for the pg_locks

  locktype  | database | relation | page | tuple | virtualxid | transactionid | classid | objid | objsubid | virtualtransaction | pid  |       mode       | granted | fastpath |           waitstart
 relation   |    13726 |    12290 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 7/17               | 8313 | AccessShareLock  | t       | t        |
 virtualxid |          |          |      |       | 7/17       |               |         |       |          | 7/17               | 8313 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t        |
 virtualxid |          |          |      |       | 3/15       |               |         |       |          | 3/15               | 8329 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t        |
 virtualxid |          |          |      |       | 6/12       |               |         |       |          | 6/12               | 8335 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t        |
 virtualxid |          |          |      |       | 5/3        |               |         |       |          | 5/3                | 8266 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t        |
 virtualxid |          |          |      |       | 4/1        |               |         |       |          | 4/1                | 8264 | ExclusiveLock    | t       | t        |
 object     |        0 |          |      |       |            |               |    1262 |     1 |        0 | 6/12               | 8335 | RowExclusiveLock | f       | f        | 2022-02-02 13:09:30.561821+07
 object     |        0 |          |      |       |            |               |    1262 |     1 |        0 | 3/15               | 8329 | ShareLock        | f       | f        | 2022-02-02 13:09:10.651571+07
 object     |        0 |          |      |       |            |               |    1262 |     1 |        0 | 4/1                | 8264 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f        |
 relation   |        0 |     1262 |      |       |            |               |         |       |          | 3/15               | 8329 | AccessShareLock  | t       | f        |
 object     |        0 |          |      |       |            |               |    1262 |     1 |        0 | 5/3                | 8266 | RowExclusiveLock | t       | f        |
(11 rows)


Database info

postgres=# \l
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding | Collate |  Ctype  |   Access privileges   |  Size   | Tablespace |                Description
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 |                       | 8529 kB | pg_default | default administrative connection database
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +| 8377 kB | pg_default | unmodifiable empty database
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres |         |            |
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | C.UTF-8 | C.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +| 8529 kB | pg_default | default template for new databases
           |          |          |         |         | postgres=CTc/postgres |         |            |
(3 rows)

postgres=# \du
                                   List of roles
 Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
 kong      |                                                            | {}
 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}



  • Problem solved by reinstalling the pg to its old version (was installed 14, downgrade to 12 and it solved). Thanks to everyone here who helped me