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How can I bcrypt a password during Yii2 Migrations?

I have a question. I have a migration file, that batchInserts an admin user and a normal user into a database. Now I have the files ready and they work fine. However, the password used to have a md5 hash during insert in Yii1.1 something like this: 'password'=>md5('admin')

My question is, can I do something similar in Yii2 with bcrypt? Where I encrypt the password during creation? I use batchInsert('users', ['column1', 'column2' ...], ['Jon', 'Doe' ...], ['Jane', 'Doe'...])

Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • The proper way to hash password in Yii2 is using yii\base\Security::generatePasswordHash(). This method uses password_hash() function with PASSWORD_DEFAULT constant as algorithm. I think currently that constant still refers to bcrypt algorithm. But it's meant to be future-proof. When PHP moves to another algorithm you wouldn't need to change your code. If the password_hash() function is not available the generatePasswordHash() methods fallback to crypt() function.

    In migration you can use application components in same way you would use them anywhere else. For example:

        ['first_name', 'last_name', 'password', ...],
            ['John', 'Doe', Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash('mySecretPassword'), ...],
            ['Jane', 'Doe', Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash('anotherPassword'), ...],

    Or if you prefer dependency injection approach:

    use yii\base\Security;
    use yii\db\Migration;
    class WhateverMigrationName extends Migration
        private Security $security;
        public function __construct(Security $security, $config = [])
            $this->security = $security;
        public function safeUp()
            // ...
                ['first_name', 'last_name', 'password', ...],
                    ['John', 'Doe', $this->security->generatePasswordHash('mySecretPassword'), ...],
                    ['Jane', 'Doe', $this->security->generatePasswordHash('anotherPassword'), ...],
            // ...
        // ...

    To verify password against hash created by generatePasswordHash() you can call yii\base\Security::validatePassword() method in same way. For example:

    Yii::$app->security->validatePassword($password, $storedHash);