I'm using my project for ant design blazor table, anyone know how to adding background color for ant design blazor table row ,
code here
@using System.ComponentModel
@using AntDesign.TableModels
<Table TItem="Data" DataSource="@data" OnRowClick="OnRowClick">
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Name">
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Age"></Column>
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Address">
<span> <Icon Type="environment" /> Address </span>
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Tags">
@foreach (var tag in context.Tags)
var color = tag.Length > 5 ? "geekblue" : "green";
if (tag == "loser")
color = "volcano";
<Tag Color="@color">@tag</Tag>
<ActionColumn Title="Action">
<Space Size=@("middle")>
<a>Invite @context.Name</a>
Data[] data = new Data[]
Key = "1",
Name = "John Brown",
Age = 32,
Address = "New York No. 1 Lake Park",
Tags = new[] {"nice", "developer"}
Key = "2",
Name = "Jim Green",
Age = 42,
Address = "London No. 1 Lake Park",
Tags = new[] { "loser"}
Key = "3",
Name = "Joe Black",
Age = 32,
Address = "Sidney No. 1 Lake Park",
Tags = new[] { "cool", "teacher" }
public class Data
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string[] Tags { get; set; }
void OnRowClick(RowData<Data> row)
Console.WriteLine($"row {row.Data.Key} was clicked.");
The simplest way which I can think of is adding a RowClassName
prop in the Antd blazor Table component,
and then add the styles for each row of the table.
You can add a className in rows of table in two ways.
<Table RowClassName="@(_=>"classname-for-row"> </Table>
.classname-for-row {
background-color: blue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
<Table RowClassName="@(row => row.Data.RowClass"> </Table>
@code {
public class Data
public int Score { get; set; }
public string RowClass => Score < 70 ? "danger" : "success";
.danger {
background-color: red;
.success {
background-color: green:
Remember above showcases/examples is contrived.
Following is the complete example to add background colors for each row in the Antd blazor Table.
@using System.ComponentModel
@using AntDesign.TableModels
<Table TItem="Data" DataSource="@data" RowClassName="@(_=>"row-background")">
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Name">
<Column @bind-Field="@context.Score"></Column>
background-color: #fff1f0;
Data[] data = new Data[]
Key = "1",
Name = "John Brown",
Score = 95,
Key = "2",
Name = "Jim Green",
Score = 87,
public class Data
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }